Navigation Sign Contract :
$ contract NavigationVerifier {
$         struct NavigationData {
$             address walletAddress;
$             string navigatedToUrl;
$         }
$         mapping(address => NavigationData) public navigationHistory;
$         function addNavigationData(string memory _navigatedToUrl, address sender)
$             public
$         {
$             require(bytes(_navigatedToUrl).length > 0, "URL must not be empty");
$             // Verify the signature
$             require(msg.sender == sender, "Invalid signature");
$             // Store the navigation data
$             navigationHistory[msg.sender] = NavigationData(
$                 msg.sender,
$                 _navigatedToUrl
$             );
$         }
$     }
Review Dex Contract :
$     // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
$     pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
$     contract DexRating {
$         address public creator;
$         mapping(address => bool) public isAdmin;
$         constructor() {
$             creator = msg.sender;
$             isAdmin[msg.sender] = true;
$         }
$         modifier onlyCreator() {
$             require(msg.sender == creator, "Only the creator can call this function");
$             _;
$         }
$         modifier onlyAdmin() {
$             require(isAdmin[msg.sender], "Only admin wallets can call this function");
$             _;
$         }
$         struct Review {
$             address user;
$             uint8 rating; // Rating out of 5
$             string grievance;
$             uint256 timestamp;
$         }
$         struct Dex {
$             string name;
$             uint256 totalRatings;
$             uint256 totalRatingScore;
$             mapping(address => Review) userReviews;
$         }
$         mapping(string => Dex) public dexList;
$         event NewReview(address indexed user, string indexed dexName, uint8 rating, string grievance, uint256 timestamp);
$         function createAdminWallet(address _adminWallet) public onlyCreator {
$             isAdmin[_adminWallet] = true;
$         }
$         function addDex(string memory _name) public onlyAdmin {
$             require(bytes(_name).length > 0, "Dex name should not be empty");
$             require(bytes(dexList[_name].name).length == 0, "DEX with this name already exists");
$             dexList[_name].name = _name;
$         }
$         function rateDex(string memory _dexName, uint8 _rating, string memory _grievance) public {
$             require(_rating >= 1 && _rating <= 5, "Rating should be between 1 and 5");
$             require(bytes(_grievance).length > 0, "Grievance should not be empty");
$             Dex storage userDex = dexList[_dexName];
$             require(bytes( > 0, "DEX not found");
$             Review storage review = userDex.userReviews[msg.sender];
$             require(review.timestamp == 0, "You've already reviewed this DEX");
$             review.user = msg.sender;
$             review.rating = _rating;
$             review.grievance = _grievance;
$             review.timestamp = block.timestamp;
$             userDex.totalRatings += 1;
$             userDex.totalRatingScore += _rating;
$             emit NewReview(msg.sender, _dexName, _rating, _grievance, block.timestamp);
$         }
$         function getDexRating(string memory _dexName) public view returns (uint256 totalRatings, uint256 averageRating) {
$             Dex storage userDex = dexList[_dexName];
$             totalRatings = userDex.totalRatings;
$             averageRating = totalRatings > 0 ? (userDex.totalRatingScore / totalRatings) : 0;
$         }
$     }